Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Financial Freedom - A Happier Life Richard Cayne Meyer International Ltd

It is no secret that saving money is essential for a happy and prosperous life. In such a catastrophic and vulnerable global economy where anything can happen anytime and the prices of basic needs are rocketing high every day, all of us need to save some amount of money as per our ability, suggests Richard Cayne at Meyer International Ltd in Bangkok Thailand. Saving money is a store of value for the times when we need to exchange that value for other goods or services.  We must ensure that we are getting the best store of value in our savings or investments by looking at how they will grow our value in line with the global growth and inflation trends and any extra value creation over and above this is the real return.

Reduces Stress and Live a Happier Life

According to personal financial consultant Richard Cayne, most of our stress problems arise from financial worries. Therefore, one way if we wish to reduce our stress, is that we ought to save money whenever possible.  Knowing that you are financially secure or at least have a plan and a path to take so that you will be one day in a financially secure state can bring great peace of mind and comfort to individuals.  According to statistics over 50% of people anxiety and worries derive from financial insecurity in one form or another.  Therefore at the very least create a plan to word towards being financially secure.

Richard Cayne Meyer Asset Management Ltd and having lived in Tokyo Japan for over fifteen years can say that Japanese who are thought to be amongst the most conservative and pragmatic people are not that conservative when it comes to their own financial security in the sense that most do not have a proper financial plan nor do they know how they will be financially secure one day. Most Japanese still believe their company or their government pension scheme will be a backstop for them and take care of them.  However Richard Cayne at Meyer makes it a point to explain how company lifetime employments has changed and is no longer the case as is the financial stability of the Japanese pension system.  Richard advocates that if Japanese want to truly be conservative and plan for their own financial security in a responsible way they would be advised to get planning sooner.  Japanese aren’t the only ones who don’t plan as well as they should though and we should all make it our business to be responsible to ourselves and our families to ensure we are on the right path to financial security so we can all rest easy.

According to Richard Cayne Meyer International in Bangkok, we can all lead healthier and happier lives by doing forward planning and putting a plan of action in place of how we intend to be financially secure or to grow and protect our store of value.  We should share this plan with our family members so that they too can take comfort in knowing how the family can send little Johnny and siblings through schooling, buy that house they have always wanted or plan for their retirement or any other important life events.

With the price of commodities and good seeming to continually escalate its is ever important to keep pace with this inflation rate which arguably is approximately 3-4% per year.  So every year your portfolio earns 1% means that the real earning or store of value in your portfolio had just eroded by 2-3%.  This is an unsettling feeling and applies to everyone both to those who are building their financial security and those who are there many times over.  Nobody is immune to this and in fact those with vast sums of money gives them even greater stress as they don’t want to see their billions erode to a store of value in the millions.

Wealthy individuals and families do understand the need to plan to protect and preserve their wealth and therefore even if your goals may differ you should be planning too.  If you have a plan of action to preserve and grow your wealth you will have one less worry in life. So get planning and sleep well.Richard Cayne is Managing Director of the Meyer Group of companies.  He is based in Bangkok Thailand and has been involved in financial services for over 17 years in Asia. The Meyer Group is wholly owned by Asia Wealth Group Holdings Ltd a London, UK listed company.

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Richard Cayne Meyer International on Investment Principles

An investor can put his money into different types of investments including buying a bond, stock, fund, deposit certificate, real estate or various other financial products that is available for investment. Investing is the procedure in which the investor allocates money in form of purchasing any of the financial products with the expectation of gaining a return in form of financial profit after a certain time. Richard Cayne believes that every individual may benefit by making some investments at the right time and in the right manner.

Tie Your Investments to Your Time Horizon

In the opinion of certified investment consultant Richard Cayne, investment is one of the best uses of your earned after tax income. Particularly when time is on your side and you can invest over a long time horizon without having to worry about day to day or even year to year fluctuations in the values of the underlying assets. All of us save money so that we can use it at the right time and this ties directly into financial planning where one should try and identify the time durations they may be able to save or invest over.  By doing this you can better determine which financial products or roads to take on your path to financial security.  Saving money in the bank at near zero interest rate is a very slow road to take which will never get your money growing fast enough for you.  That said if you need certain money for a short term goal say six months away then the bank account would be appropriate.  If the goal is 10 years away then you potentially could have received higher gain in other investments and that would be your opportunity loss.

Regular Saving or Dollar Cost Averaging

As markets fluctuate but over time trend upwards a great way to take advantage of this is through regular investment or what’s called Dollar Cost Averaging.  Investing periodically such as every month or even every year if your time horizon is long enough allows one to buy more of the asset when the asset price drops and overall smooth out the volatility in your portfolio by buying in the good times and most importantly in the bad time too.  Richard Cayne having lived in Tokyo Japan as Investment advisor and at Meyer Asset Management Ltd Tokyo had helped thousands of Japanese plan their future and dollar cost averaging is always one of the tools that he highly recommends.  Now Richard Cayne in Bangkok Thailand consults many leading investment companies on how to structure such investment plans to meet the needs of Japanese living abroad as well as those in Japan.

Diversify For a Balanced Portfolio

For some investing into one or two areas may seem like a good idea but if those two investments take a drop then having some other non correlated investments in their portfolio could have balanced out or reduced the drop to their overall portfolio.  Though the same can be said on the upside two that the other investments may not perform as well.  For most people however who look to grow their portfolios with a lower level of volatility and potentially with higher return should look to have a balanced portfolio of investments that will compliment each other.  For example instead of having all ones money in US Equities having some in Chinese Equities would have dramatically increased the performance of their portfolio over the years.  Richard Cayne Meyer Asset Management Ltd’s Asian based servicing arm Meyer International Ltd in Bangkok Thailand has been servicing its clients and strongly advocates a balanced portfolio with investments that compliment each other.

Take Control of Your Portfolio Today

Instead of simply saving in the bank, bonds and dabbling in investments consult a professional who can help guide you through all the benefits of investments and which ones are suitable for you.  Employ the above techniques and you will be taking a very good step forward towards your financial security. Richard Cayne is current Managing Director of Meyer International based in Bangkok Thailand and like Meyer Asset Management Ltd forms part of Asia Wealth Group Holdings a London UK listed company.

Article Source: http://richardcaynes.wordpress.com/2012/08/28/richard-cayne-meyer-international-on-investment-principles/

Richard Cayne Meyer International Ltd Protect & Grow Your Wealth

As we have discussed in previous articles the importance of having a financial plan lets look at some reasons the wealthy are very interested in protecting and growing their wealth. Richard Cayne at Meyer International Ltd in Bangkok Thailand says many assume that the very wealthy don’t need to or have to think about their money or wealth but that is not true.  In fact most high net worth individuals defined as having investable assets over US$1million think about their portfolio more than those who don’t have any money saved up because they know that through inflation can erode their hard earned savings if they aren’t careful. They very much want to grow their assets and keep a watchful eye on preserving them as well. Those who are slightly higher up the food chain in the ultra high net worth class defined as having over US$50million are even more concerned about inflation and want very much to preserve the store of value and are less concerned about really growing it and more focused with just keeping up with inflation.

Richard Cayne having worked in Tokyo Japan Meyer Asset Management for over 15 years and servicing many high net worth individuals and even ultra high net worth individuals can certainly say that everyone regardless of the size of their portfolio should be concerned about inflation and keeping pace with it at the very least.  Inflation is certainly a form of wealth destruction and should be one of the most important considerations to any investor.

If it wasn’t for inflation then the need to grow your savings would not be as pronounced as it currently is.  Imagine for example if prices would never change and the cost of higher education currently around US$80,000 for four years ( see fastfacts ) would still be the same in 15 years.  That is a nice thought but is not the world we live in.  In our world we would need to target a sum closer to US$150,000 to get the same value in 15 years as now.  That is assuming of course inflation does not escalate further.
Loosing Your Store Of Value By Doing Nothing Or Achieving No Growth

Wealth advisor Richard Cayne says that his wealthier clients actually look at it as if they are loosing money every year they don’t achieve growth same or greater than inflation. If for example their net worth is US$20,000,000 and they achieve only 2% growth on their portfolio they see their purchasing parity next year of only US$19,600,000 that they are down US$400,000 assuming a 4% inflation rate.  This is a very unsettling feeling for them and as such the main objective is to not loose their store of wealth and keep up with inflation.  Anything beyond the inflation rate is seen to be their real return.
Real Estate is another area which despite some downturns even though significant in size is still on the rise over time and needs to be considered,  particularly in Asia, where property prices have risen at an extremely fast pace.  Certainly property if bought at the right time can play a meaningful part in someone’s portfolio right along with equities, bonds and commodities says Cayne.

Choosing to invest in assets that will grow in value outpacing that of inflation is key.  Particularly in the US these days it is getting more and more obvious that the government is doing what it can to stimulate the economy and inflate asset prices of both equity markets and property markets.  This means keeping your cash in near zero interest bearing accounts will be the worst thing you can do for your financial plan.  It’s a guaranteed looser over time.

So whether you are just starting on your road to financial freedom or already there consider your options carefully as inflation is a force that affects us all.  Everyone needs to plan carefully and consulting with a firm that can help you define and stay on track of your financial plan would be a recommended and valuable decision to make.

Richard Cayne has been involved with offshore funds and structures in Asia for over 17 years.  He is currently Managing Director of the Meyer Group consisting of Meyer International Ltd and Meyer Asset Management Ltd. The Meyer Group is wholly owned by Asia Wealth Group Holdings a London, UK listed company with ties to over 200 global financial institutions.

Article Source: http://richardcaynes.wordpress.com/2012/08/28/richard-cayne-meyer-international-ltd-protect-grow-your-wealth/

Monday, 20 August 2012

Meyer International Richard Cayne On How to Choose The Right Health Insurance Plan

Today, the market is full of numerous insurance companies offering a diverse mix of health plans; it really looks like a laborious and time consuming task to choose the right kind of health insurance plan for yourself or for your family. In order to choose the most suitable health insurance plan for your family, you ought to analyze certain factors and figure out the major differences and advantages of several health insurance plans, says Richard Cayne.  Having the right kind of health insurance plan for your family, ensures that you may sit back and relax at the thought that you have taken the right decision and have secured the future health security of your family members.

Having adequate levels of health insurance can be a very important part of financial planning says certified financial planner Richard Cayne as his group Meyer Asset Management Ltd has relationships with many different health carriers.  Some family’s whole financial plan can be seriously impacted and turned upside down by a serious medical emergency which can run into several hundred thousand USD in hospital bills and how it is important not to let such a scenario occur by planning for the unthinkable.

When choosing a health insurance plan for your family, you need to consider several important factors.  Richard Cayne Meyer International in Bangkok explains some of such most important factors.

Know Everything About A Health Insurance Plan

Try to find out everything about the health plan that you are planning to choose. Know all the conditions that the plan cover, which conditions are not covered under that plan, what all its co-payment or deductible amounts may be as well as any conditions that may be excluded either now or in the future. Such details will give you a fair idea about how suitable a plan is for your family needs and whether you should choose it or not.

Understand Your Family Needs

Analyzing your family needs is very much essential. While choosing a health insurance plan, you should find out how many members of your family you want to be covered under the plan. You should make it very clear whether you want just a few members or your entire family to be covered under the plan that you are choosing.  This may be because some members may have insurance plans already in place via their employment or in the country they live, in the case of a large family living in different geographical areas.

Decide Whom You Want To Include And On What Level Of The Plan

As per Richard Cayne in Thailand, this step may look somewhat similar to the previous one but requires detailed analysis and several other factors to be considered. You should check well which family member need the health insurance plan and which level of it as some plans offer the ability to have different levels of coverage for different family members. Are there any members in the family who have got any pre-existing physical conditions? Are there any members who frequently need to visit the doctors or hospitals? Such type of questions will let you decide clearly which member should be included and covered under which grade of the plan.

Evaluate Your Salary/Budget

Once you have made up your mind to buy a health insurance plan for your family and have decided about the members whom you want to be covered under the plan and at which levels, it is now time to evaluate and assess your means and ability to afford such coverage.  So you should opt for one that suits your needs and whose premium does not become a financial burden for you and you can readily do this by choosing a higher deductible or co-payment level for the plan.  For example an insurance plan with a $50 deductible (meaning you pay the first $50 of any claim) which may have a US$1,000 per year cost may drop to US$400 per year with a US$2,500 deductible meaning that you really want it to cover the really major incidents which you may not be able to afford on your own.  Having a plan in place in case of major medical emergencies is probably the most important security to put into place and if you can afford the plans with low deductible and all the bells and whistles then perhaps explore those options if your means allow.

Richard Cayne has helped the expatriate community in Japan and now in Bangkok Thailand with various healthcare plans over the years.   With health care costs and insurance costs on the rise finding the most cost effective healthcare plan is a good step forward to any families long term financial plan and security.  Meyer International Ltd in Bangkok Thailand and Meyer Asset Management Ltd are both members of Asia Wealth Group Holdings Ltd listed on the PLUS Stock market in London UK.

Richard Cayne Meyer International On Why A Professional Investment Advisor Is Worth Their Weight In Gold

Do you have sufficient capital to invest? Do you want to invest it in a professional and unemotional manner? Are you looking for appropriate investments for your capital? If yes than Richard Cayne Meyer Asset Management Ltd suggests you to seek help of an investment advisor or professional who can you give you unbiased information to make the right choices.  It’s not so much what instruments to invest in but how and when to do so and how they all tie into your financial goals and objectives.  A good financial advisor or consultant will also be able to tell you the right time to sell or buy and by the “right time” what is meant by that is a time that makes financial sense to do so after taking into account all the risks and making a carefully calculated decision based on the information in the market place rather than on emotion.

A Financial advisor or consultant is a professional and just like a doctor or lawyer should be unbiased and unemotionally attached when advising a client to buy or sell something.  Everyone has heard the term “A man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client” or a surgeon should never operate on their loved ones as emotions come into play which can cloud one’s judgment from making the right decisions to buy or sell a financial asset.  Meyer International Ltd, Richard Cayne says a true financial advisor that can do this for their client in a professional manner is worth their weight in gold.

According to professional investment advisor Richard Cayne,  an investment advisor that can harness all the information available in the marketplace and boil it down to extract the salient points enabling him or her to give the right advice to their client is something to look for when choosing a consultant.  Don’t believe everything you read on the internet as there are many statements out there to mislead people or cause them to believe investing in one product over another may be the right choice.  Talk this over with your advisor until it makes sense to you.

In Tokyo Japan where Richard Cayne had lived for over 15 years and at Meyer Asset Management Ltd he has much experience with advising both corporate and individuals on offshore investing and investments and has always noted that Japanese clients typically would make two fundamental mistakes.  One being many would simply want their investment professional to take care of their money without them neither knowing all the details nor having an understanding of where their money is being invested.  This is a mistake because if you know how and why the investment makes sense than any individual will be far less concerned should the investment go down and they would better understand that with many investments there may be swings and so while down will understand when it may go up and conversely if the investment is up they will then better understand as to why so they will be then better able to allocate more of their portfolio to investments that they understand and make sense for them. The other mistake is panicking and selling short out of investments that are down but have an excellent chance at rebounding and this is exactly where a good consultant or advisor is worth their weight in gold if they can accurately explain to their clients until the client has a clear understanding of where their money is, why and the risks and opportunities that are present.  In Japan it is not always thought appropriate to question professionals but Richard Cayne says that is exactly what is needed and always question your professional advisor.

As far as selecting an investment advisor is concerned, Richard Cayne suggests that as the financial industry is full financial companies and advisors of varying quality, the investors need to choose reliable, reputed and knowledgeable investment advisors who possess extensive experience in the financial field.  Most importantly however is to choose an advisor or consultant that will be glad to explain and answer why the investment they recommend is appropriate for you.

Richard Cayne having lived in Tokyo Japan for over 15 years now resides in Bangkok Thailand and is Managing Director of Meyer International Ltd the Asian servicing arm of Meyer Asset Management Ltd having ties with over 200 international financial institutions.  The Meyer Group is a member of Asia Wealth Holdings Ltd which is listed on the PLUS Stock market in London UK.

Meyer International Richard Cayne Basic Tips for Beginners Investing In Mutual Funds

Lack of knowledge and information on how and why invest in mutual funds can create disastrous results for the newbie investors, says Richard Cayne. On the other hand having proper knowledge, availability of reliable information and guidance and taking right decisions at rights times can bring huge profits to those who invest in mutual funds. Those who are new to mutual fund investments should take care to learn certain basic tips that will help them achieve profitable results.

Enhance Knowledge – According to mutual fund investment consultant Richard Cayne, the first step that all newbie investors looking at investing in mutual funds need to take is to enhance their knowledge before stepping into the market and taking any investment decision. Now-a-days, it has become quite easy and convenient to gain knowledge on almost everything from the comfort of your home because of presence of the World Wide Web. This umbrella of the internet possesses some important websites that can help anyone to update and enhance his/her knowledge and information on mutual funds. So spare some time and do your own research so that you get the basic information on mutual funds.  Just don’t believe everything you read on the web.

Decide Proper Asset Allocation

It is very important to have a balanced portfolio and choosing the right kind of asset allocation can really make all the difference between a portfolio that follows the indexes and one that really outperforms. Asset allocation is all about investing your capital in various investments with the apt blend of different financial products that compliment one another rather than just performing like one another.  For example some hedge funds can take shorts positions in the markets so that if the respective financial instrument drops in value then the hedge fund can make money from this.  Adding in some funds that can make money in bad times as well as the funds in your portfolio that can make money in good times may achieve a higher overall return and shelter your portfolio somewhat when the markets get bumpy.

Choose Right Funds

You will find that there are various types of funds available in the market some with very high minimums. Hence you need to take the right decision in terms of what your expectations are and what is available which will work with your financial plan. For example, ask yourself that what your financial objectives are, do you want to invest for your retirement or for the education of your child or for some other purpose, over what time frame do you expect what kind of return and how your tolerance to risk may be.   Richard Cayne having lived in Tokyo Japan for over 15 years and as Investment advisor at Meyer Asset Management Ltd says that expectations and understanding ones risk tolerance levels are incredibly important and working with the right financial advisor or consultant that can help you determine what your expectations and risk tolerance levels are is crucial.

Monitor Constantly

According to Richard Cayne Meyer Asset Management Ltd’s Asian based servicing arm Meyer International in Thailand, the newbie investors in mutual funds should understand and realize the fact after they make their initial investment close monitoring and evaluations are needed to make sure that the strategy is performing both in line with your expectations and risk tolerance levels.

Take Help of Financial Advisors

Take help and advice from reliable financial consultants says Richard Cayne Meyer International in Bangkok. These knowledgeable and seasoned financial advisors not only help the mutual fund investors make the right investments but they also help in monitoring the various investments. Experienced financial advisors should keep their clients updated about the performance of their investments and provide ongoing advice with periodic reviews.

Richard Cayne founded Meyer Asset Management Ltd and is Managing Director of Meyer International Ltd the Asian based servicing arm for the Meyer Group.  Richard has over 15 years' of experience in Japan, beginning with a short assignment at Sony before changing his career path to wealth management where he gained much of his market knowledge and experience in servicing the wealth management needs of the Japanese market. Richard is Canadian and speaks fluent English and French and has a working knowledge of Japanese.  The Meyer Group is part of Asia Wealth Group Holdings which is a publicly traded company listed on the PLUS Stock exchange in London UK.

Friday, 3 August 2012

Richard Cayne & The Meyer Group On Offshore Investing

Offshore investing simply means that wherever the respective fund or investment is formed and registered is in a low tax area such as Ireland, Malta, Isle of Man, Hong Kong or Singapore to name a few.  This does not mean that investors have no tax obligation as they may dependant on where they reside but rather offshore investing can offer investors some significant tax planning opportunities to minimize their taxes.  In addition many clients who want a higher level of discretion and confidentiality can also make use of offshore investing not to hide assets but rather to shelter them from being public information and in turn a target to go after.  Many celebrities and public figures recognize this and is the number 1 reason they look to offshore investing using trust structures offshore.

Offshore domiciled investments also do not have the extra costs associated with certain registration requirements which certain countries may have.  For example registering a fund for sale in the US or Japan can be extremely costly and time consuming and as such many fund companies do not take the steps to register these funds in certain countries.  Though if they want to market their funds in a respective country they may need local registration. Offshore fund consultant Richard Cayne of Meyer Asset Management Ltd has been helping securities firms in Japan with information on offshore funds and fund registrations.  The time it may take to do a full blown registration for mass distribution in Japan can be up to a year and cost upwards of US$500,000 which is why many fund companies hesitated to jump into domestic registrations until there is sufficient demand by the local customers to merit such registration.

There are great funds out there managed by US and European based fund managers who have also chosen to set up an offshore feeder fund so that internationally based clients can invest cross border into their investment without the need to treat them as foreign investors and withhold tax as foreign investors would normally need pay.  Instead the offshore feeder fund would be able to on tax efficient basis aggregate money into the onshore fund.  Most of the largest fund companies in the world have offshore funds as well as their onshore ones.  Fidelity, Templeton, Blackrock to name a few all have offshore funds.  In fact these days if you don’t have an offshore fund as a fund management company then you aren’t a global player so instead of the exception it is now the rule to have offshore funds as a fund management company.  Clearly this is done out of demand and to be able to raise money internationally.  Most Japanese securities firms in Tokyo see the need to be more global and go offshore these days says Richard Cayne from Meyer International Ltd.

Still many have the preconceived idea that offshore investing is for those who want to hide from the tax man which is today a myth as any tax office can pretty much gain access to your information if they want to.

Richard Cayne at Meyer International Ltd in Bangkok Thailand has been consulting with clients around the world and most individuals that look for offshore investments simply are interested in diversification of their assets and are opportunistically looking for good investments.

Investing offshore for the right reasons can certainly offer many advantages and working with a financial professional who can advise you on the options and opportunities that exist offshore is a recommended first step.

Meyer Asset Management Ltd like Meyer International in Bangkok Thailand form part of the Meyer group which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Asia Wealth Group Holdings Ltd listed on the PLUS Stock exchange in London UK.

Meyer International On Top Tips to Build Wealth

Everybody in this world wants to be self sufficient, self dependent and financially successful. But the irony is that not everyone is able to turn this dream into a reality. Richard Cayne in Thailand says that following few basic tips can keep us on the right path to building our wealth and achieving our financial goals. We all should remember that our capital is just like a seed and we all need to learn how best to plant it, nourish it and take care of it so that it rewards us with a successful harvest in form of profitable returns. This article sheds light on some basic tips which are really helpful for common individuals who are interested in building wealth. 

Be Optimistic
– According to wealth management consultant Richard Cayne, the first tip of wealth building is to stay optimistic. Life is full of difficulties but in order to emerge as a winner, we all need to have a positive attitude and an optimistic approach. The various challenges in our lives may seem to be extreme hurdles but it is only our attitude, wisdom and approach that can bring out solutions for any kind of problems.

Do What You Love – Most people work for a living in some profession but those who do what they love end up excelling in their careers and achieve higher rates of remuneration than those who are simply grinding out a living they do not enjoy.  If you can find work that you enjoy then the chances of excelling at it is far better.  Needless to say, it will be an important step for your building your wealth.

Be Courageous but Understand risks – As per the opinion of Richard Cayne at Meyer International Ltd in Thailand the Asian based marketing arm of Meyer Asset Management Ltd, life presents many risks and challenges and as one cannot avoid risk altogether it is best if you try and learn how to measure and evaluate risks so that you can make the most of any opportunity.  If you’re able to access the risk reward potential of investments then you will have the courage to make that leap when you see it.

Learn About You Options – If you don’t know what your options are then you can’t take advantage of them nor with you feel comfortable making decisions.  Work with professionals that can help guide you through options that are suitable for you says Richard Cayne in Bangkok Thailand.

Save As Much As You Can – No matter what your age is you should start saving as soon as possible. In fact you should start saving from the time you start earning. Even if you save a small amount, it will be extremely helpful for you in your future needs and will help you in your wealth building strategy.  Richard Cayne having worked in Meyer Asset Management Ltd in Tokyo Japan had recognized and advised many Japanese over the years about “time on your side” and making the most of savings and investments while at a young age and with time on your side it can grow far more than most expect.  In fact someone savings 20% of their income in their twenties when it comes to a target retirement in late 50s or early 60s that money invested in the early years can represent 80% of the final portfolio due to the power of time on your side.

Imagine having invested in Asia 40 years ago and what that is worth today.  Many growth funds are up on an annual compound basis of over 20% per year!  Paying yourself first and investing that money before you part with the rest of your paycheck can result in a very comfortable longer term wealth building strategy.

Richard Cayne part of the Meyer International Ltd and Meyer Asset Management Ltd has been consulting individuals in Asia for over 17 years and currently resides in Bangkok Thailand.

Guide to Private Banking by Richard Cayne

Private banking refers to a group of tailor made services which are meant for private customers and feature highly tailored services and products in comparison of the services being offered to the retail customers. It can be very suitable for certain high net worth individuals who require more than just the traditional solutions.

Many banks offer the private banking solutions to their affluent customers along with securities safekeeping, mutual fund and hedge funds as well as structured products and leveraging capabilities. According to certified financial consultant Richard Cayne, the private banking relationship is characterized by personalized service. The wealthiest customers are provided with a dedicated financial manager or advisor who looks after and manages the portfolio of the client either on a discretionary basis meaning where the banker has full authority over the account or non discretionary where they need the clients consent on each trade.

Private Banking Solutions Catering to Various Needs

Private banking solutions may be suitable for individuals with certain level of wealth. They may be families, professionals, entrepreneurs, private investors or public sport or media figures who desire that extra level of confidentiality and discreetness which such wealth management solutions may offer. After achieving a certain level or wealth, some individuals may require professional, experienced and useful financial advice from someone who has extensive experience in the financial sector, says Richard Cayne Meyer International in Thailand. The private banking solutions cater to different types of needs.  These services also help you to manage your international portfolio wherein you have assets in different global locations and you need expert and genuine financial advice. Private banking platforms may also offer the ability to help you leverage your portfolio using your existing assets without the need to liquidate them in order to invest in other areas.

In most cases, private banking is offered to the customers who possess a net worth of more than US$5 million.  This minimum level is targeted so that the banker may have ample flexibility to customize and tailoring suitable financial solutions and appropriately diversified investment choices.  Private banking is certainly a competitive space these days and in Asia the fastest growing region would be in Singapore as all the 1st tier and many 2nd tier banks have representation there.

Catering to The Demand Of Clients

European private banks in Asia need to create more products catering to the specific needs of their Asia based clients.  Various reports and studies have indicated that Asian based clients are more likely to be looking for higher growth and performing investments over European clients who are more interested in preservation of value rather than really trying to grow it.  Richard Cayne who worked in Tokyo Japan for 15 years and at Meyer Asset Management Ltd says that his experience with Japanese clients suggests that Japanese contrary to popular belief as being very conservative and happy to accept a near zero yield in bank deposits are actually quite aggressive when it comes to the high net worth clients.  Japan based clients seem to have a healthy appetite to alternative investments into hedge funds and structured products.  Having many relationships in Japan who see this as an opportune time to change their Yen which is currently at the top end of its trading range and very strong to US$ opens the world of investment choice as the majority of global investment opportunities are in US$.

Whether one is looking to preserve wealth or grow it significantly private baking platforms may offer the tools to achieve your goals.

Richard Cayne is currently Managing Director of Meyer International Ltd in Bangkok Thailand and like Meyer Asset Management Ltd having relationship with over 200 global financial institutions is also part of Asia Wealth Group Holdings Ltd which is listed on the PLUS stock exchange in London UK.